About me

Learn about me (Andy) with some behind the scenes information and stories you might not know!


Take a look at the books I’ve written, and find out where to find them.


I’m creating educational content. Sign up to Patreon to get exclusive videos, content and podcasts.

The Not-So-Romantic Podcast

Join me (Andy) as I explore the not-so-romantic topics from around the world. You know the stuff… gruesome deaths, poo, crime and how we can’t burp in space.

The Not-So-Romantic Blog

My blog for kids (and adults) where I discuss a wide range of topics, from the Romans to gross science facts, I even tell you how to make your volcano. You will also find some unreleased book chapters here as well.

£5 Code Club

My £5 code club is a monthly online code club. Check out when the next session is.

Activity Book downloads

Download activities found in my activity books