10 awesome things about the human body

The human body is incredible. There was no shortage of options when I was making this list of 10 awesome things about the human body, there were just so many to choose from!

Be sure to let me know in the comments which one of these facts is your favourite, and be sure to tell me the awesome things about the human body I need to know as well, and I might even put them into another blog post.

1-You are taller in the morning

Thanks to the Earth’s gravity we are taller in the morning than we are in the evening. You can prove this yourself. Tomorrow when you wake up measure yourself, then measure yourself again before you go to bed and you’ll see you’re a little shorter before you go to sleep.

Throughout the day gravity is trying to send us into the middle of the Earth- so we sort of crumple together slightly throughout the day.

Does this mean we’d all be giants if we stayed in bed all the time? Next time someone tells you to get out of bed, tell them you can’t as you want to get taller.

There’s only one way to find out… Test it.

2-Your eye is your fastest muscle

Not really sure what else to say for this considering the subtitle says it all. Our eyes are the fastest muscles in the body. You go eyes!

Actually, I wonder if that’s where the saying “in the blink of an eye” comes from when something happens quickly.

A close-up picture of a blue eye looking slightly to the left.
This is my eye. Can you tell me what colour they are?
3-You lose about 41kg of skin cells every year

I don’t know why but this fact is really gross which is definitely why it’s on the list of 10 awesome things about the human body- it is the not-so-romantic blog after all.

Imagine piling all these skin cells up in the corner of your room- don’t hoover for a year and you won’t be far off seeing how big the pile would be.

In fact, I’ve seen rooms filled with about 41kg of dead skin cells.

4-Some people’s snores are louder than a vacuum cleaner

I’m pretty sure I can confirm this fact with some of the people I’ve lived with. I don’t want to name names but my sister 100% snores louder than a vacuum cleaner. If you wanted to be clever about it I suppose we all snore louder than a vacuum cleaner if it’s turned off.

Image of a male and female in bed. Male is sleeping in the background snoring, female has ears covered and is struggling to sleep
Snoring leads to others getting no sleep
5-Nobody knows why we yawn

It’s often assumed that we yawn when we’re tired or bored- but scientists haven’t yet discovered the actual reason why we yawn. Maybe you’ll discover the truth in your future career.

Put your best theories of why we yawn in the comments.

A person wearing a grey suit with blue sat at a desk stretching and yawning.
Normally what I look like at work

Wowzers- halfway through our list of 10 awesome things about the human body already. Which is your favourite so far? For me, I think it’s fact 1- being taller when you wake up than when you go to sleep.

6-Our bodies give off a tiny amount of light that’s too weak for human eyes to see

If the light is too weak to see then how do we even know this? Bets on someone starting this rumour as a joke?

7-Stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve an iron nail.

I always wondered how some people were able to eat nails (really gross and I definitely wouldn’t recommend it). Stomach acid is powerful stuff- it might even get the dirt stains out of my carpet.

8-There are suggestions that the nails on your writing hand grow faster than the ones on your other hand

Is it strange that I want to try this out? Why do I feel like it’s weird I want to try this out? I will report back at a later date to let you know if it’s true. In fact, I’ll put it on my YouTube channel– something you should definitely subscribe to.

9-Half our bones are in our hands, feet, wrists and ankles

The human body contains 206 bones, more than half of these are in our wrists, feet, hands and ankles. That’s a lotta bone in those four spaces.

10-The human heart beats more than 3 billion times in an average lifespan

That’s a lot of beating. It’s also a big dollop of proof that we need to make sure our heart is healthy, it’s got a lot of work to do, it’s only fair we make sure it is as healthy as possible while it keeps us alive.

There are my 10 awesome things about the human body- did you have a favourite? If you know some other awesome things about the human body please let me know in the comments below!

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Thanks for reading 10 awesome things about the human body, be sure to check out the other blogs on the Not-So-Romantic Blog, my blog for kids and adults who don’t to admit they’re actually grown-ups.


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