10 disgusting science facts

Science is awesome. I will never stop telling people how awesome science is. It helps shape, improve and understand the world around us. But science is also sometimes disgusting. And here are my top 10 disgusting science facts. Sorry- most of these are going to involve poo.

Don’t feel like reading? You can listen instead!

1-where are you browsing?

Alright, here we go! The start of our 10 disgusting science facts list and let me tell you this for free. Those with weak stomachs need to skip this first one.

We live in a world of technology. Nearly everyone has got a mobile phone nowadays. Apps like Instagram, TikTok and YouTube keep us glued to our screens like never before. But just take a moment and think about where you scroll through your social media feeds. I can bet at some point you’ve texted someone from the toilet

A recent study found that one in six phones has traces of poo on them. That’s right- one in six people’s phones have poo on them.


Person swiping on mobile phone

2- Vulture’s relationship with poo

Let’s be honest, vultures are pretty odd creatures before we even get into their relationship with poo. They eat rotting flesh for a start, which would not be on my own personal recipe of what to eat for tea.

Let me set the scene. It’s a hot day and you’re overheating, sweating uncontrollably. How would cool down? Would you use a fan? Tip water over yourself? Squish yourself into the freezer?

Now can you guess what a vulture does when they’re hot?

They poo on their own legs. It also acts like a really disgusting sun cream to protect their legs from the sun. So now we have a backup plan if we ever forget our sun cream.

I hope nobody just ate before reading this…

A vulture

3- The worst toothpaste

Do you know what we all have to do twice a day?

We have to brush our teeth. What’s your favourite flavour of toothpaste? Mint? Actually, do they make anything apart from mint toothpaste?

Want to know what type of toothpaste the Romans used?

Crushed mice brains… bet you never realised just how un-romantic the Romans were.

Toothpaste on a toothbrush (Not crushed mice brains)

4- Mouthwash

Whilst we’re on the subject of Romans. They used mouthwash that was made from wee.

5- Feeling snotty

We’ve all been there. We’ve all had them days where snot is just running out our noses like a river flowing in the countryside (well a river flowing anywhere).

As humans, we tend to produce anything up to 1.5 litres of snot every single day. I wonder how much of that we swallow? Actually, the thought of swallowing so much snot puts this into a disturbing science facts category.

Another fine example of the huge list of disgusting facts about the human body which we should explore in a future blog.

We’re halfway through our list of 10 disgusting science facts! Which has been your favourite so far?

6- Take your own cup to work

Remember when we spoke about mobile phones having traces of poo on them? Well, another study suggests that 20% of workplace cups and mugs also have that poo trace on them… I’m not sure why it’s so difficult for people to wash their hands.

I’d suggest we all take our own cups to work and school from now on.

A coffee cup, probably with poo traces all over it

7- Not in my pool

Not a lot of detail or context is needed- but 1 in 5 adults admit to having a wee in the swimming pool.

You might not think this is science. But that chlorine smell of swimming pools isn’t actually the chlorine. The smell comes from the chlorine combing with people’s wee.

Does this count more as gross science facts? What do you think ranks higher? Gross or disgusting?

Swimming pool- does this picture make anyone else need a wee?

8-Heavy poo

Did you know a fully grown African elephant produces the same weight as an average adult human in poo every eight hours? I bet the elephant’s toilet paper bill is huge!

Two elephants- no doubt talking about how much their poo weighs

9- Get me a duster!

Have you ever looked around your room and thought, “My goodness it’s dusty in here.” ? Well if you have, and I think most people will have done, you might be interested to know where most of that dust has come from.

Dead skin cells.

Disgusting right? But if that’s not disgusting enough for you we lose an entire outer layer of our skin every four weeks.

10- What’s that smell?

This final disgusting fact on our list of 10 disgusting science facts, could potentially be the worst of them all but also causes the most laughs.

Humans, on average, fart 14 times a day. And we don’t even hear most of our farts- because we do them at night.

Be honest- who’s ever farted themselves awake?

And there we go! 10 disgusting science facts which will make your toes curl but will definitely make good dinner conversation. Do you know any other disgusting science facts you think everyone should know? Let me know, along with what your favourite fact in this blog has been, in the comments down below!

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