If you’re like me you’ll love learning new things about the Romans. I’ve put together a list of 10 facts you didn’t know about the Romans.
1- oral hygiene was lacking
Let’s start with a truly unromantic-blog-style fact. The Romans used crushed mouse brains as toothpaste. They honestly would have been better off not brushing their teeth at all.

2- Kidnapped by pirates
Julius Caesar was kidnapped by pirates around 78 BCE as he made his way across the Aegean Sea. He told his kidnappers that the ransom they were demanding for his safe return was too low and he took it personally as an insult. He told them he would have them all crucified when he was free.
The pirates more than likely laughed this off, but Caesar was true to his word. On his release, he rose an army, he had the pirates crucified.
Don’t know what being crucified looks like? It involves nails, a wooden cross and a hammer to put the nails through your hands to stick you to the cross.
3- stabbed 23 times
And speaking of Julius Caesar, when he was murdered on the 15th of March 44 BCE he was attacked by a group of up to 60 men and stabbed at least 23 times.

4- The five good emperors
The period between 96 and 180 CE is known as the era of the five good Emperors. Rather than having a younger family member succeed them the five good Emperors each selected their successors.
This is important as it meant the best person was selected to be Emperor, which worked to the benefit of the empire.
Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius are the Emperors forever remembered as the good ones. Hadrian was the one who ordered the building of the wall by the way.

5- A large empire
When the Roman Empire reached its biggest size, around 117 CE, it covered 40 modern countries. That’s insanely big.
6- Large cities
The three largest cities in the Roman Empire were Rome in Italy, Alexandria in Egypt and Antioch in modern-day Syria. They were twice as big as even the 17th Century’s biggest European cities.
7- Powerful army
Under Emperor Hadrian, it is reckoned the highly trained army contained over 375,000 men. That’s a lot of highly trained soldiers to have at one’s deposal.
8- Five emperors
There were 5 emperors in 193 CE. Eventually, Septimus Severus managed to remain in charge for more than a few months.
9- Six emperors
If you think 5 Emperors was a crazy number of rulers in one year then this one will knock your socks off. In 238 CE there were an incredible 6 recognised Emperors of the ailing Roman Empire.
10- Coliseum
It is thought that roughly 500,000 people and well over 1 million animals were killed in Rome’s Coliseum which opened in 80 CE.

bonus- end of an empire
Because I love the Romans I’ll give you a bonus fact.
It’s difficult to know when the Roman Empire was over. Many historians think it was probably 476 CE when Emperor Romulus was replaced by Odoacer, the first King of Italy.
And there are 10 facts you didn’t know about the Romans. Did you know any of them? Have you got any facts about the Romans you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments if you do!
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