Category: Space

  • Little known facts about the universe

    Little known facts about the universe

    The universe is vast, unexplored and, in my opinion, a little scary. Let’s take a look at some little-known facts about the universe we are part of.

  • What do astronauts eat?

    What do astronauts eat?

    When astronauts go to space they still need to eat! Do they have roast dinners and plenty of snacks? In this Not-So-Romantic blog, we take a look at what astronauts eat.

  • 10 mind-blowing facts about the Solar System!

    10 mind-blowing facts about the Solar System!

    The Solar System is incredible and to celebrate that here are 10 mind-blowing facts about the Solar System!

  • Facts about Jupiter

    Facts about Jupiter

    As the title suggests this blog focuses on the largest planet (spoilers) in our Solar System. Here is a whole blog dedicated to facts about Jupiter!

  • Fun facts about the Moon

    Fun facts about the Moon

    It’s space week 2022 and to celebrate everything space we have a whole special series of not-so-romantic blogs dedicated to space. In this part, we look at some fun facts about the Moon- Earth’s only natural satellite.

  • International Space Station

    International Space Station

    It’s space week 2022! To celebrate we have some special not-so-romantic blog posts. This one takes a look at the International Space Station. How it came to be, what it does and when it’s due to be taken out of commission.

  • Women in space

    Women in space

    Without the actions and contributions of women, humans wouldn’t have gotten to the Moon and developed technology which helps us see to the far edges of our Solar System. Sadly these Women in space stories are sorely untold and unheard of. This un-romantic Space week 2022 blog looks at the significant contributions of women in…

  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11

    It’s space week 2022 and to celebrate everything space we have a whole special series of not-so-romantic blogs dedicated to space. In this part, we look at the first humans to go to the Moon and the story of Apollo 11.

  • Fun facts about Mars

    Fun facts about Mars

    It’s space week 2022 and to celebrate everything space we have a whole special series of not-so-romantic blogs dedicated to space. In this part, we look at some fun facts about Mars- the red planet.

  • The planets of our Solar System

    The planets of our Solar System

    It’s space week 2022! In this special edition of the not-so-romantic blog, we are taking a closer look at the planets of our solar system. We’ll look at some of the key facts, but because this is the not-so-romantic blog I have some surprising and slightly less romantic facts to throw into the mix as…

  • Out-of-this-world space facts

    Out-of-this-world space facts

    It’s Space Week 2022! To kick off a series of special blogs I have some out-of-this-world space facts which will blow your minds. If it doesn’t blow your mind- you can ask for your money back.

  • What is the Earth made of?

    What is the Earth made of?

    Planet Earth is an incredible place. It gives us life- none of us would be here without it. But what is the Earth made of? In this blog, we delve a little deeper into our Planet to find out