Cool facts about dinosaurs!

I love dinosaurs. They’re big, they’re scary but they’re also mysterious. In this not-so-romantic blog, I’ve got some cool facts about dinosaurs!

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Dinosaurs are a group of reptiles that lived on Earth for about 170 million years, from the Triassic period (about 230 million years ago) to the end of the Cretaceous period (about 65 million years ago).

These fascinating creatures have long captured the imagination of people of all ages, and have been the subject of countless books, movies, and TV shows. Here are some cool facts about dinosaurs:

They didn’t live alone

It’s easy to presume that dinosaurs were the only animals that lived during the Mesozoic era- but they weren’t! Dinosaurs were not alone. Other animals during this time included crocodiles, turtles, and mammals.

To learn more about the Mesozoic era-then check out this other not-so-romantic blog!

Velociraptor skeleton

The largest dinosaur ever discovered was the Argentinosaurus, which could grow up to 100 feet long and weigh up to 100 tons.

On the opposite end of the size scale, the smallest dinosaur ever discovered was the Anchoriornis, which was about the size of a chicken.

Which one would you rather take on in a fight?

You are what you eat

Some dinosaurs were carnivores (meat eaters), while others were herbivores (plant eaters). Some were even omnivores, meaning they ate both plants and animals.

They were covered in feathers

Believe it or not, many dinosaurs were covered in feathers. Unbelievable right?! It gets crazier because birds are actually considered to be a type of dinosaur… I knew there was something funny about them pigeons.


If you wanted to have a career studying dinosaurs then you can become a palaeontologist. They use fossils to learn about the behaviour, diet, and anatomy of dinosaurs. Imagine finding some dinosaur poo!

But how did they die?

The extinction (when all a species dies out) of the dinosaurs is still a mystery. Some scientists believe that a catastrophic event, such as an asteroid impact or volcanic eruption, caused their extinction, while others think that climate change or disease may have played a role.

How do you think the dinosaurs became extinct?

They lived everywhere

Dinosaurs lived on all seven continents, including Antarctica- I hope they took their coats.

Blog within a blog: Would dinosaurs make good pets?

Hello and welcome to a blog within a blog! In today’s edition of “Blog within a Blog” we decide which dinosaurs would make the worst pets and which dinosaurs would make the best pets.

Tyrannosaurus Rex: As one of the largest and most fearsome predators to ever roam the Earth, a T-Rex would be an extremely dangerous pet. (Though somehow I think one of the most popular ones to choose- good job Hollywood). Even if it were somehow domesticated, it would require an enormous amount of food and space to live comfortably. And I don’t want to describe the massive pile of poo it would do. Conclusion: Bad pet.

Compsognathus- Often called the “little dinosaurs”, they are tiny and could easily fit in a house. They also seem to have been pretty calm. You’d need a better name though, I haven’t found anyone who can pronounce compsognathus. Conclusion: “Good” pet

Velociraptors: While they are not as big as T-Rexes, velociraptors were still vicious predators with sharp claws and teeth. They are also highly intelligent and social animals, which means they would require a lot of mental stimulation and socialization to stay healthy and happy. Conclusion: Bad pet

Stegosaurus: Despite their herbivorous diet, stegosauruses had a large spiked tail that could be potentially dangerous if not handled properly. They were also quite large and would require a lot of space to move around in. Conclusion: Outdoor pet.

Don’t forget though, dinosaurs are extinct, and it would be impossible to keep them as pets. Additionally, any attempt to clone or recreate dinosaurs through genetic engineering never ends well in the films, and it wouldn’t end well in the real world either- so don’t even think about it!

Really, any dinosaur would make a terrible pet due to its massive size, vicious instincts, and specialized needs. It’s best to leave them in the past where they belong.

Triceratops skeleton
Do dinosaurs walk amongst us?

There are still many species of animals that are alive today that are closely related to dinosaurs, including crocodiles and birds.

Overall, dinosaurs are a fascinating group of animals that have captured the imagination of people for generations- my imagination for 32 years. As scientists continue to study these creatures, we are sure to learn even more about their amazing lives and the world they lived in.

And so ends my cool facts about dinosaurs! I hope you enjoyed reading it! If you have your own dinosaur facts you would like to share, then pop them in the comments below!

What to read next

If you’ve enjoyed this not-so-romantic blog then here are some others you should read next!

Thanks once again for reading this not-so-romantic blog. My name is Andy Lickley- and I’ll see you next time.

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