Fun facts about Queen Victoria

The world knows a lot about the Victorian era. But what about Queen Victoria herself? This not-so-romantic blog looks at some fun facts about Queen Victoria.

Victoria is (at the time of writing and perhaps forever) Britain’s second longest-reigning monarch behind Queen Elizabeth II (1952-2022).

Victoria was Queen from 1837-1901 and was witness to countless industrial and scientific advances- the world looked very different when she passed away aged 81.

But this not-so-romantic blog isn’t here to look at science or industry it is here to look at the monarch herself. So let’s jump into these fun facts about Queen Victoria.

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her first name wasn’t even victoria

Her actual name was Alexandrina Victoria. As someone who struggles to pronounce Alexandrina, I’m thankful she chose to go by her second name. The Alexandrina era doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as well.

she was born

Victoria was born on the 24th of May 1819 at Kensington Palace in London.

she was only 5ft tall

Victoria was only 5ft tall. This isn’t important in the slightest but it’s a fun fact about Queen Victoria. A lot of people looked up to Queen Victoria- not literally mind you.

Queen Victoria (aged 4) by Stephen Poyntz Denning
the first reigning monarch to travel by rail

Victoria was the first reigning monarch to travel by rail in 1842.

I’d love to go into detail but instead, I’ll point you towards my book “The Not-So-Romantic Railways” where you can read the full story.

a Buckingham palace’s first

Victoria was the first reigning monarch to live at Buckingham Palace. She also liked to stay at Windsor Castle, Osbourne House on the Isle of White and Balmoral Castle.

She actually died in Osbourne House.

A photo of Queen Victoria
Victoria had 9 children!

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert had 9 children together. 5 girls and 4 boys.

Victoria, Albert, Alice, Alfred, Helena, Louise, Arthur, Leopold, and Beatrice

Her eldest son Edward became King after her. Now I know what you’re thinking- she didn’t have any children called Edward- ANDY GOT THE NAMES WRONG!

Whilst it wouldn’t be surprising for me to get something wrong I am right on this occasion. Edward was actually called Albert Edward. He chose to be known by his second name. Like mother like son.

she was 18 when she became queen

Victoria became Queen in June 1837 when she was just 18 years old. She wasn’t coronated until a year later in 1838.

She could speak lots of languages

Queen Victoria was fluent in English and German. But could also speak a good amount of French, Italian, Latin and Hindustani which is an Indian language. That’s pretty awesome.

In fact, German was actually her first language, but she started learning English at the age of 3.

I’m 31 and I’m still struggling with English, let alone any other language.

wearing white

Victoria wore a white wedding dress to her wedding in 1840. You might be wondering how this is unusual- a lot of people where white wedding dresses at their wedding.

That’s true in the modern world but back in 1840 not a lot of people did.

Victoria started the trend of wearing white to weddings.

wearing black

Victoria wore the colour black from 1861 until her death in 1901 as a sign of mourning after her husband, Albert, passed away. When people think of Queen Victoria they often think of her wearing all black.

Painting of Queen Victoria being coronated. By George Hayter

There were 8- yes- 8 assassination attempts on Queen Victoria’s life. Edward Oxford, John Francis, John Bean, William Hamilton, Robert Pate, Arthur O’Connor and Roderick Maclean. Nope- you’re not counting wrong that’s only 7 names- John Francis had two attempts to assassinate Victoria.

Obviously, they all failed and I have no doubt there were more attempts that haven’t been recorded.

In hindsight, I’m not sure this should be classed as fun facts about Queen victoria.


Queen Victoria enjoyed going to the opera, painting and drawing. Classy hobbies indeed. I’m sure if she’d been alive when LEGO was invented she would have loved that as well.

what to read next

If you’ve enjoyed these fun facts about Queen Victoria then here are some other blogs which might tickle your fancy.


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