Insane science facts you won’t believe are true

Science at school can sometimes be extremely boring. There are only so many times you can copy out the periodic table, to reignite your enjoyment of science I have some insane science facts you won’t believe are true.

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I should quickly say that just because you won’t believe these insane science facts are true doesn’t mean they aren’t- I did my research. I ain’t making any of these facts up.

Thank goodness for the ocean

As humans, we need a constant supply of oxygen to survive. I’m not going to go into detail about what happens if we don’t get enough oxygen… spoilers- you die.

When we think about where oxygen comes from we think about forests and plants in our garden but did you know that the ocean, and its plant life, have a huge role to play in our oxygen supply?

Roughly half of the oxygen on Earth is produced by the ocean, thanks to things like seaweed, plankton and other plants that live in it. I think we should go all out and make little buoys which have trees on them to float in the ocean so we maximise the oxygen-making process.

We could call it a forest on water!

So, if you’ve ever wondered why it is so important to protect and conserve ocean life? Because an awful lot of the oxygen we breathe comes from it.

Just a teaspoon of soil makes the microorganisms go down

In just one teaspoon of soil, which sounds a little strange, there are more microorganisms than people on the planet (There are 7.8 billion people on Earth FYI). Soil is magic and full of bacteria, algae, worms, microscopic insects and a whole lot more. It allows plants to grow which gives us food, oxygen and some pretty beautiful things to look at. We must protect the soil!

Radioactive banana’s

Bananas are radioactive! I love this fact and waste no time telling everyone I meet about it. They are radioactive because of the potassium inside them. Don’t worry though, you’d need to eat roughly 10 million bananas in one sitting to feel the effects of banana radiation poisoning… I’m pretty confident that if you tried to eat that many bananas the stomach ache would get you before the radiation.

Evolution has only just begun

Humans haven’t stopped evolving. Yep, we’re still changing- just really really really really really really really slowly. I wonder what humans will look like in a few thousand years. I’m hoping for a third arm.


We humans have a lot of blood. The average person has around 5 litres of blood flowing around their body. If we lose just 40% of it… we will die.

Wee phone charger

You can charge your phone with wee which fills me with glee.

Thanks to the minerals in our wee, we can actually charge a mobile phone for a few hours of battery life. It’s slightly more complicated than just weeing on people’s phones so please don’t start going around weeing on phones. You will get arrested.

Poor letter J

J is the only letter not to feature on the periodic table… a bit harsh- somebody get out there and discover a new element!

And there are some quick-fire insane science facts. Did you believe they were true? (Again, I promise they are)

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